Cumberland County
1700 Centerville Road
Newville, PA 17241
2023-01 Floodplain
2020-01 Solicitation
2017-01 Prohibiting thief of signs
2011-03 Intergovernmental agreement with Southampton Township
2009-01 Floodplain
2009-02 Amend 2004-04 land subdivision
2007-01 Intergovernmental agreement with County & municipalities
2006-01 Amend road weight limits
2005-01 Building ordinance
2005-02 Change in Real Estate Tax
2004-01 Uniform Construction Code
2004-02 Junk
2004-03 Residency reporting
2004-04 Sub-division
2003-01 Nuisance animal
2003-02 Per capita
2002-01 Elected tax collector
2002-02 Intergovernmental risk management
2002-03 Stormwater management
2001-01 Outdoor lighting
2001-02 Sound
2001-03 Mass gathering
2001-04 Fire safety
1997-01 House numbering
1996-01 Amendment to sub-division
1995-28 Supervisor compensation
1992-26 Amend Ord. 1985-10 building permits
1991-25 Sub division
1990-24 Littering
1990-23 Vandalism of signs
1990-22 Speed limits
1990-21 Repealing Ord. 1967-4 and Ord 1977-17
1985-10 Building permits
1985-11 Supervisor compensation
1977-17 Repealing of Ordinance 1
1974-15A Permit to dig up township road or right of way
1972-16 Sub division
1972-15 Transfer tax
1972-14 Earned income
1970-09 Prohibit parking in posted areas
1970-08 Amend Ordinance #3 vandalism of signs
1970-07 Weight limits
1970-06 Disorderly conduct
1967-05 Littering
1967-04 Discharging of firearms
1967-03 Vandalism of signs
1967-02 Speed limits
1965-01 Trash regulation
1960 Old Railroad Bed Road