Cumberland County
1700 Centerville Road
Newville, PA 17241
2024-04 RTK anonymous requesters
2024-03 Supervisor's pay raise
2023-02 Zito communication extension
2022-05 ACT 57 tax collection law
2022-04 Zito communication extension
2022-01 Appointments
2021-09 Tax rates
2021-08 Kuhn Comm. to Zito West
2021-07 Disposition of records
2021-06 Tax collector commission
2021-05 Addendum to intergovernmental agreement
2021-04 Quarterly trash fees
2021-03 Hazard mitigation plan
2021-02 Township engineer
2021-01 Appointments
2020-06 2021 budget
2020-05 Comprehensive plan
2020-04 Personnel policy & handbook
2020-02A Solicitation permit
2020-01 Appointments
2019-02 2020 Budget
2019-01 Appointments
2018-07 SEO fee
2018-06 Budget
2018-01 Appointments
2017-02 Small games
2017-01 Appointments
2016-07 Budget
2016-04 Delinquent Quarterly Trash fees
2016-03 Quarterly trash fees
2016-01 Appointments
2015-05 SEO fees
2015-04 2016 Budget
2015-01 Appointments
2014-04 2015 Budget
2014-03 Septic pumping
2014-01 Appointments
2013-06 SEO fees
2013-05 2014 Budget
2013-04 Delinquent trash fees
2013-03 Amend Res. 2009-05
2013-02 Tax collector commission
2013-01 Appointments
2012-08 2013 Budget
2012-06 Prevailing wage
2012-03 Failure to obtain valuation permit fee
2012-01 Appointments
2011-10 Closing of Bendersville lane as needed
2011-09 Delinquent local earned income tax
2011-08 2012 Budget
2011-05 Quarterly trash fees
2011-03 Historical marker
2011-02 2010 Hazard Mitigation plan
2011-01 Appointments
2010-04 2011 Budget
2010-01 Appointments
2009-07 2010 budget
2009-05 SEO fees
2009-04 National flood insurance program
2009-02 Open records
2009-01 Appointments
2008-04 2009 Budget
2008-03 Snow plowing
2008-01 Appointments
2007-09 2008 Budget
2007-01 Appointments
2006-04 2007 Budget
2006-03 Road weight limits
2006-01 Appointments
2005-12 2006 Budget
2005-11 Snow removal
2005-08 UCC cabin exemptions
2005-07 Building and occupational permits
2005-06 NIMS
2005-04 Tax collector commission
2005-01 Appointments
2004-08 2005 Budget
2004-07 Septic permit fees
2004-06 Hazard mitigation plan
2004-04 COG appeals board
2004-03 COG UCC enforcement program
2004-01 Appointments
2003-07 2004 Budget
2003-06 Regional code enforcement program
2003-03 Snow plowing
2003-01 Appointments
2002-08 Open records
2002-07 Disposition of records
2002-05 Driveway drain tile
2002-01 Appointments
2001-02 2002 Budget
2001-01 Appointments